September 7, 2024


Either Search by quest name or use one of the lists below to lookup your quest.

Quest Lists


  – Quests are a huge part of the server. Most features are designed around quests. Quests give rewards like money, quest points, experience and Items. Please note the picture above shows what an NPC looks like when they have quests you either havnt been completed or there is a repeatable quest. Musical notes show new quests. Hearts show repeatable quests. The image above shows a great example.


  – Simply right click an NPC it will open up a menu of quests. Click on the desired quest to accept. Once you have a quest accepted use “/quests journal” to open a list of accepted quests by you. It will also show your current objective in that quest. Here is a picture of a list of quests from an NPC.

Quests on Cooldown

  – Depending on the quest there are cooldowns for them. When they are on cooldown the look like snowballs. When you hover over one of the quests on cooldown it will give you a time remaining before you can repeat the quest. Here is a picture of an example.